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Faculty, administration, alumni and alumni parents, collaborated to develop a representation of outcomes that we expect students to develop during their time at ASM. These outcomes support our mission and core values.

An ASM graduate is:

  • Guided by his or her own values while respecting the values of others
  • A critical and creative thinker who solves problems through perseverance and collaboration
  • Highly independent, responsible and self-aware
  • Able to adapt easily to varied environments and experiences
  • A resilient, well-balanced human being

Portrait of a Graduate Night: Alumni Reflections

In February, five of our younger alumni (4 high school students and 1 college student) met with parents for a question and answer session. Specifically, the focus was on transitioning to high school and the extent to which ASM prepares students for this next step in their educational experience. We thought it might interest you to review the questions asked and the summary responses. Review the alumni reflections here!

Secondary School Placement

Our goal at ASM is to help our students transition seamlessly into a public or private high school. Cultivating strong relationships with admission staff at secondary schools and with our families allows our Assistant Head of School to help our students successfully navigate the process.

ASM offers the following support:

  • Admission Panel Night at ASM with area school admission officers
  • Student Panels with alumni from public and private high schools
  • One-on-One meetings with our Assistant Head of School to review application materials
  • Mock Interview Sessions

Graduate Testimonials

“The skills I learned at ASM really set the foundation for a love of learning, and for a successful future, both educationally and professionally.”

~ Elyse Chase, Class of 2003

“ASM helped me prepare to reach out and be comfortable with meeting new people. ASM also helped me learn how to manage my time.”

~ Piper Nichols, Class of 2015

“I am now stronger, kinder, wiser, and so much more empowered. I feel inspired to be something more, to do something different.”

~ Yuping Zhu, Class of 2017

“I’ve found that even after ASM, I have a love for learning that supports me in all my classes.”

~ Nathan Ladd Class of 2013

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